Case Study

RDW – Rijksdienst Wegverkeer

Working together on the reliable and secure exchange
of data between RDW and other partners.

RDW gebouw

Every single day RDW (Road Traffic Service) works hard to ensure that everyone can participate in traffic safely and reliably in the Netherlands.

RDW does this, amongst other things, by collecting and managing data that other parties in the mobility chain can use for specific services.

Good examples of this are; requesting data for obtaining and renewing a driver’s license, data that is necessary in the context of law enforcement but also data used for paid parking via an app.

On a daily basis, the services of parties such as the police, insurers and municipalities depend on the data from the registers that RDW manages. RDW and Enable U work together on the reliable and secure exchange of data between RDW and their partners.

Millions of interactions in which a wide variety of data is shared 24×7 can of course only be carried out by persons who have the right authorization while the exchange of privacy sensitive data must be as secure as possible. By unlocking all this data, a team of approximately 330 employees at the RDW is working on tomorrow’s mobility.

RDW uses the knowledge and experience of the employees of Enable U and the Layer 7 API Gateway for the technology. Every exchange of data takes place via this API Gateway.

Daniëlle Sudmeijer, Product Owner RDW: “RDW and Enable u have been working together for some time already, with Enable U mainly providing technical support. This allows us to focus on RDW functionality and on our service provisioning. They are also sparring partners when it comes to new developments such as cloud and other new technologies. The API Gateway meets the functional and non-functional requirements set by the RDW. Enable-U has the knowledge and skills that we as RDW require in order to deliver the best possible service today and in the future.”

Niels Beckers, CCO Enable U: “The RDW is a wonderful example of a ZBO (Zelfstandig Bestuurs Orgaan) that, as a chain partner, makes data available to a large number of different parties. This comes with great responsibilities because the availability of this data has a social impact on many things we do. Your systems must therefore be incredibly reliable, but the partners you work with must also be able to handle this. The reputation of this chain of transactions is as good as the weakest link. Enable U is proud of RDW’s confidence in us and works with us as a partner.”

Together with the RDW, we ensure that RDW offers transparent and reliable data and information to everyone who relies on any part of the mobility chain.
So that we can all get on the road safely.


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