API Management

Is your organization ready to grow?

You really want to take your organization further in the current (digital) business climate.

It’s all about APIs.

he digital connections that make businesses function and applications accessible from the outside. New services and value chains are increasingly being made possible by linking digital building blocks through APIs, enabling the rapid exchange of digital data.

This way, APIs are the fabric of modern digital society. The ‘health’ and availability of APIs must also be managed and monitored structurally and continuously. Especially since API’s not only offer enormous opportunities for innovation and progress, but also for hackers who want to steal data, undermine corporate frictions or simply weaken the fabric. Securing g APIs is therefore essential to provide certainty for the intended use.

With good APIs, you enable others to easily use your data for new applications.This way, you can offer your own product or service to additional market segments that you otherwise cannot serve.

API Management

Good management of APIs helps you with:

A good API Management-strategy lays the foundation for being able to safely and properly offer and use (consume) APIs. The entire life cycle of ’APIs must be taken into account, including security, performance management and privacy legislation aspects.

Enable You have helped hundreds of organizations large and small to develop a good API management strategy. Good API Tooling in combination with the right approach ensures that you master your API strategy and can apply it unambiguously to the entire organization and the entire application landscape.

The API Gateway is essential in this: instead of programming all possible rules in the APIs themselves, you generically apply those rules to the gateway and apply them to access all apIs whose point of contact has been delegated to the Gateway. An API Portal makes the APIs available to developers, inside and possibly outside your organization. All information about the APIs is made accessible here, from technology to SLA and costs for use. Developers can quickly develop and test new apps in a variety of languages and environments.

With API Precision Monitoring, you’ll have maximum control over the performance of APIs and microservices and keep the whole thing from meeting expectations and appointments.

API Management

API Tooling


Download the Enable U API Management eBook

Understand the steps you can take to achieve your most important digital initiatives.

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