
2024; Predict or prepare?

2024 AI

What kind of year is 2024 going to be? What is the state of inflation? And what about the government? Will the world get a little calmer again? Will AI really break through now and what does that mean? Can we get enough staff? If only we had a crystal ball….

Change in 2024

In recent years, ‘change’ has been the only constant. Once we had a rock-solid belief in our own ability, today we know that our future scenarios of the time pale in comparison to what we have since experienced. Making predictions and inventing scenarios could not prepare us for what was to come.

Darwin said it all; a successful organism is the one that adapts best to changing circumstances. In other words, the most flexible organism. Flexibility is different from ‘blowing with all the winds’ and is the result of logical thinking and a good dose of creativity. A good example is the adoption of new technology and its impact on the organisation, IT architecture and individual employees.

Curious about the impact of AI on your data and integration strategy? Read our trend report AI and Integrations, the key developments!

With most new applications or technology, the focus is on the solution and too little on the preparatory work that should lead to smooth adoption. Adoption of cloud applications is often delayed because data from legacy applications and cloud applications have to be combined. Implementations of value chains take too long because data from chain partners are provided in the ‘wrong format’. Artificial Intelligence cannot just be started because the data needed is locked up in many different (internal and external) applications and is not so easy to retrieve.

Flexible organisation

The agile organisation has an integration strategy and also precisely mapped out what important data exist and how they can be read and adapted, using integration techniques. Because once that is known, implementing new technology or new business processes is suddenly much easier.

As an integration specialist, we see how flexible organisations work. We continuously learn from that and then help other organisations with that. The same applies to new technology and its impact on integration strategy. In our latest trend report AI and Integrations; key developments, we not only describe the impact of AI and its consequences on your data and integration strategy but also discuss the use of AI within integration solutions.

An IT strategy where flexibility plays the leading role should be the top priority for any organisation that wants to be ready for the unknown that the future brings. A solid integration strategy is an integral part of this. Enable U’s integration specialists can help with that.